Accidents are simply inevitable at times when circumstances turn strange. You may often get into a situation and realize, "I've fallen and I can't get up." This can happen despite your numerous attempts to stay safe, so it is not your fault.
Read MoreWith age, it is natural to not be as active or as fit in our prime. Slowly, we start losing essential functions which can take a toll on our confidence and self.
Stair lifts can be a wonderful and transformative addition to a senior's residence. It helps provide them with increased mobility and independence. These devices are designed to transport individuals safely up and down stairs.
Falling is surely a scary experience. Those with a bad knee have a harder time getting up after a fall due to the pain in their joints. It is really important that you know the correct steps to take to prevent any further injuries from falling, especially when you have a bad knee.
When it comes to emergency situations and technical issues, it is important to communicate well. Knowing effective communication when you get in touch with a monitoring center will help you tackle the situation better.
Your medical alert system is ultimately connected to the medical alert center. These have the operators that respond to you in times of need. They are constantly working to give you the care you need, especially if you are an older person or someone with medical conditions.
People may have to change their living environment and schedule as they get older to ensure they are safe. Indeed, for providing a secure and comfortable atmosphere, a senior safety checklist is going to be useful.
Falls are a leading cause of injury and fatalities. They have been a serious threat to senior safety lately. A lot of homes today are not safe enough to prevent falls at various locations.
Falls catch you off guard, don’t they? They’re like thieves at night. They leave you unsure of how to react and all you can do is panic. Be it a major fall or a minor one, it still takes time for you to process the situation.
Epileptic seizures often occur without warning, but many individuals experience pre-seizure signs that can be empowering to recognize. Living with seizures is a terrifying experience and for several patients, there is a time frame before a seizure hits.
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Get Help With The Push Of A Button
24/7 Monitoring Anywhere In Canada
Usable In The Rain Or Shower
Automatic Fall Detection Available